Our Team of Mechaics

Frank Costanzo
Owner, Lead Mechanic
ASE Certified Master Technician
Experience: 36 Years
Drellishak’s: 33 Years
Frank is the lead technician at Drellishak’s. From tire replacements to full engine replacements and everything in between, Frank can do it all.
He is learning about new cars all the time, and he stays up-to-date on safety regulations.

Debbie Costanzo
Business Manager
Experience: 32 Years Customer Management
Drellishak’s: 5 Years
When Debbie and her husband Frank purchased Drellishak’s, Debbie started filling any role that needed done. From helping customers, to ordering parts, Debbie is involved in all aspects of the business. Debbie can be found on the phone with vendors, scheduling appointments, and taking the occasional dance break.